My heart is broken... advice 💔

Two years ago last week I lost my father to alcoholism. Honestly, I had an amazing father when he was sober. I miss him each and every day of my life and his death was THE hardest thing I've ever had to deal with... shortly after his death, my mother began drinking. I pushed it aside in my head because I was afraid.. but it finally came out in November of last year when she got a DUI. She reassured everyone she was fine, just a stupid mistake. Two week later she was fired from her job for drinking. I went and got her and brought her to my house. I got her into a rehab and she was accepting in going. After she got out, she stayed with my husband and I since she didn't have a license and her being in the house that my dad almost died in wasn't healthy we felt. Long story short, she relapsed. Many times. To the point where she had another wreck, got another job and had to be escorted out due to drinking, fell down my stairs and put a whole in my hole, etc. my husband and I are TTC our first child I might add, I ended up having 2 periods in one month because of stress from her. I finally kicked her out one day. I drove her to the hospital where she stayed for several days and my aunt came and got her. She attempted to stay with my aunt but continued to drink and ended up in the hospital again. I got her into a treatment place which was suppose to be long term. She was doing GREAT! However I got the call that insurance wouldn't pay after 30 days, instead they wanted her to go to phase 2 of the program... which was still great considering it was the same just a little less strict. Guess what? Phase 2 was full. Yup. So we had no option but to get her from rehab. She went to my uncles. The first week she did great, and tonight she relapsed. He is going to kick her out and I'm honestly at a loss. I have no idea what to do or where to turn. I can't let my mother be homeless but for my sanity, marriage, and the sake of my unborn child I can't let her stay with us. Does anyone have ANY advice? I'm broken, as having to lose one parent to this was hard enough let alone two. I'm also an only child, might I add. 😞