Could this be my Rainbow Baby?!?!?☺️🌈☺️🌈☺️🌈

I'm posting this on here because I decided not to tell anyone yet just in case but I just have to tell someone. I guess it's easier telling strangers lol ☺️😂I had a chemical pregnancy back in March and was totally devasted😭! I didn't think I could get pregnant again and sure enough!!! It's kind of funny because I found out this morning. My sister just delivered her beautiful baby. I haven't been feeling right and I was extremely tired so I purchased a test and took it in her hospital room!! I'm just nervous because I don't want to lose another baby. My biggest fear is getting excited and then losing it! 😭😭😭😭 please send baby dust my way! I'm not too far along. So fingers crossed 🤞