Opinions please! Should I induce or wait?

Hey there! So i'm due with baby #2 July 12th. Right now I am having to think about making the decision to induce 1 week earlier than my dute date but I can't decide!
My reason to induce, my only sister and grandmother are going to Brazil the day after my due date, July 13th, and if I don't go into labor before then they will miss the birth of my baby! 
However, there is one dilema, my husband has stated to me he really doesn't want to do an induction and to just wait for baby to come naturally because of the chance of having to have a c-section if I don't dilate when induced. I would do normally wait but I really would like for them to be here when baby is born. So idk what to do! I want to take his opinion into consideration but I also want all my loved ones around! Doctor says there is no problem with me being induced. Opinions?! 
(My water broke naturally with first born 2 days before the due date, and I have a feeling this one will come early too but you never know!)