I just don't want to be touched anymore

I feel stuck in my relationship( 2 years)

I know some of you before pretty much implied I should leave him, but I kinda feel stuck.

I no longer want him to really touch me because it makes me uncomfortable now. Even the though of anything sexual makes me want to scream.

I just want to cry, and I feel so fucked up.

My daughter is 5! She is 5, she's not a baby any more, and she understands, and realise more.

When we started to date I gave him a warring I have very little free time without my daughter. Its very hard for me to get out without her.(we were just talking then) Now that my mom passed I have even less free time

We haven't had sex since January / Feb. Last time he tired it got turned to a fight because I didn't want to leave my daughter sleeping in the car to go 10 -15 feet into the woods for a quickie. His excuse was we can see the car.

I don't even leave my daughter in the car to run into the gas station.

I don't like him to grab my boobs When my child is in the back. I don't want him to throw me on the hood of his car to make out with me in the front of my house.

I don't want to look trashy. But he says who cares what the neighors think. After the other day I just want to cry. We were at my daughter's stage rehearsal. We were in room filled with young kids and their parents. He just had to put his hand in in between my legs up against my vagina. It bothered me, also I was wearing a tang top, it was in the high 90s

And I notice my top of my bar was showing a tad bit. I fixed it, and he says what? I thought I can look, just not touch.

Then he said how I got mad at him (because I pulled my hand away)

I don't even want to be touched at all anymore Now. I no longer even want to have sex at all.

That has been an issue too for a while. I do enjoy sex, but it's always been an issue with us

E.g. I once said sometimes kids get in the way of sex. I want that to be okay! Yes, it can be annoying but that's parenthood. And I want kids to come first. E.g. they have a bad dream or you have to take them to baseball. I don't want to keep Then waiting just to have sex.

I want them to know when they look out I'll be there

He took it as I was saying let's never have sex. Sex is only to make babiesand, and that's it.

Same thing When I tired to explain non sexual intimacy makes me want to have sex more. Cudding, actually talking. The little things makes me want Sex more.

Some how that meant I never want to have sex

At the time He was saying how to people should have sex as much as they can. There shouldn't be a reason why people don't have sex.

This is the first relationship I've had that sex has been an issue. I mean it kinda was with my one ex, but it was different more things he wanted me to do like be masturbating and have him walk in on me. And using toys all the time.

This is also the 1st person I been with since I had a kid.

There is a lot more too it as well.. But I don't want to have sex now, or be touched.

He doesn't seem to care what anyone thinks, and I do. I told him I don't want to look trashy. I don't want my daughter to see that.

I was always any okay with a kiss on the lips, and cudding. Maybe when playful spanks

E.g....you get a spanking for drinking beer.

I just want to cry all the time now, and it makes me feel messed up ... I feel stuck Espicslly since my car doesn't work that great..and I planned things on his schedule..

My daughter is Now able to notice I'm sad...she Will ask me if I miss grandma.. Or bring me a toy to make me feel better.

I have no one to really talk too. Just one person...and it's hard becaus they are busy with work a lot.

(He moved a good hour away. I live with my dad and grandma.(very old school) Grandma is to told to watch my daughter more then 10 mins, and my dad work schedule counterflicks with his. ) since my mom passed and he moved its that much harder to get time alone. If he still lived closer it be easier.