Braxton Hicks


Hello everyone. I'm having continuously Braxton Hicks. Last pregnancy I started early labour for about 1 month before the baby is born and I know for sure this is just Braxton Hicks. Still I remember my doctor saying that when is before 34 weeks I should go to the hospital if it's more than 4 in one hour. I haven't been counting but I had a few in the past hour and at least 2 in the last 15 minutes. I seriously doubt anything is wrong and I felt the baby move not long ago. They are slightly painful but not bad at all. It's slightly less painful than period cramps.

Anyone in the same boat?

Should I at least call the hospital if they keep coming?

I just know that at this time nothing will be done unless it is something serious (which i doubt it is), and then I'll be stick there until the morning.

Make than 3 Braxton Hicks in 15 minutes.

Thanks in advance.