my sisters situation

My sister told me she was pregnant a month after my baby shower now she is almost 7 months pregnant with her daughter. I was concerned for her since she had only known her boyfriend for 6 months. He comes from money and is extremely clueless. I thought maybe overtime before the baby comes he would get on track. These are the concerns that I have. He is not clean(as in when he goes to the bathroom he does not wash his hands unless it's number two) but yet wants to hold my daughter, he cannot aim in the toilet but yet aims everywhere around it. He is more concerned with going to concerts having already known that my sister was pregnant and bought the tickets for them anyway. Says if she goes into labor around the time that this band is performing he's going to fly out to the nearest place where they are playing and go see them in their next closet show and leave her home with the baby. he wants to leave her at the hospital after the baby is born so he can go home at night and sleep. His parents have known about the baby and have disowned the baby her boyfriend talks crap about his parents then defend them when we put in our two cent(parents make the money) He also told my mother randomly which we cannot figure out if it was a joke or not that he wanted to get a sex change and become a woman. Which he is very flamboyant and on occasions he talks about some gay topics(not trying to offend anyone I do have a gay best friend that I've known for over 14 year and he thinks that my sisters boyfriend is secretly gay/bisexual) He's constantly wanting to go out to eat to go do things but yet is not saving money for their daughter like she wants them too. I was wondering if anyone on here has had some same/similar problem or knows someone who had some same/similar problem and what was the outcome Thank you!