If your thinking about abortion please read this

So let's start from the beginning....

(I'm 16 just so you know)

I was about 2 weeks late for my period and I was worried but I thought no I can't be pregnant. My mom kept on me about it and I was like oh it will come oh it will come but it didn't. Finally she got tired of waiting so she went out and got a pregnancy test. And it came out positive quick. Well then me and mom both had a mental break down and we talked about the options and I as an adult,because I became one in that moment,desided this was the best option and no she didn't talk me into it o make me. And to let you know a bit about me I am in high school 10th grade at the time. And I was in drama doing a play and choir art and band. I have everything going for me. But really I had been sneaking out with a guy and all this. I had been having unprotected sex and sneaking around behind my moms back. And I have to tell the worst part of all of it was losing my moms trust. But after I found out that I was pregnant I started thinking who it was. Well I thought I knew exactly who it was. Well I kept it to myself scared of my friends thoughts. They are against abortions and believe me I didn't want to but it came down to it. It would grow up with no father and me and my single mom raising it. So I went into a deep state of depression and cures myself to alwwp every night because I knew what I had to do. So me and mom made the apointment and I finally broke down and told a friend and thought I could trust. Oh was I wrong she told pur other friends which I didn't want to happen. So I am having trouble dealing with myswlf because I have to do this And Then I have a "friend " on my back telling me I should keep it And give it to her aunt and judging me because of my desition. Not to mention she told her while family so they could also look down on me with shame. The other was there for me after becaue she didn't wanna upset me while I was going though it. But I waited a good two weeks before my fost apointment and it felt like the longest two weeks of my life. Once it finally arrived I missed that day and the rest if that week because me fost apointment was on a Monday and then the second was on a Thursday so I only went Friday. But we will get back to that later. I wanna tell you that yes there are people who will make you feel bad about your desition but it's yours honey. The people at the one I went to were so sweet and supportive. And I found out I was 6 weeks and 1 or 2 days. And that's when I realised it was from the night I had a three some with the guy I had been sneaking out with and his buddy. And then my heart sunk because of all the guys I could have had a baby with neither of them were anywhere close to who. I realised how good this desition was and that it was okay. I had it as scheduled that Friday. And then it was done and nobody could say anything anymore it was done. And to twll you the truth it brought me and my mom together because we suffered together and she was my support. And to all the people who would criticized me I want them to know that I prayed and my God understands me and I would rather my baby be with my God in my grandmothers arms then I would it have grown up in a house where me and my mom yelled because of money and us never be around because we are working. I want you to know that its your body and your choice and please weigh your options and think about that baby too. I know mine is in heaven with my God and I work harder every damn day so I can hold it and tell it I love it when I finally get to be with it. Because there it feels no pain no suffering and my grandma is with it telling it how perfect it it and that's what gets me through my life day by day and I hope I have helped you with your desition. Please don't feel pressured and if you abort then don't let any ass holes makes you feel bad because you will be th one explain to God not them and they have no right to judge you. They aren't God so there opinion dont matyer.

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This was very well put together.


Shelby • Jun 19, 2017