Our Baby Girl Eliana Grace born on Monday 6/12/17 at 11:20pm, 7Lbs 2oz, 19 1/4in

Our Baby Girl Eliana Grace born on Monday 6/12/17 at 11:20pm, 7Lbs 2oz, 19 1/4in. I was prepped Sunday night was given cervidil to try and provoke contractions. Which it did start contractions all night but then the following day it was wearing down. Before I started the pitocin, I got an epidural. They started me on pitocin. A couple of hrs after I was still 1.5cm dilated. So my OB broke my water and was going to come back in a couple of hrs to check for progress. Once she came back and checked me she could feel the umbilical cord. The cord was prolapsed and I needed an emergency c-section. By the Grace of God he gave me peace and I uust put it in his hands. At 11:20pm my baby girl was born healthy. She did not need oxygen and had no complications. She is definitely my miracle baby♡♡♡ Thank you Jesus for hearing my plea and keeping her safe. I also thank my OB, nurses and other staff for responding so quickly and keeping my baby safe♡♡♡