
So I'm 15, almost 16, and idk why but lately I've been soo insecure about my body, but I'm the one who normally compliments everyone in how they look and I'm always saying who cares what others think, your body is perfect. But idk why I can barely look at my own body in the mirror, and I know My body isn't bad, like I absolutely know it isn't, but for some reason I just can't seem to love myself in my body, I just feel like I have way to chubby of a stomach and I absolutely hate it. I've even been working out and eating healthier But Idk it's just doesn't seem to be working. And I'm getting so tired of it idk what to do anymore, I just hate my body so, so, so much to the point where I was crying earlier, and I absolutely hate crying over silly things like this.. :( I know it's kinda lame but still idk..:(