

Hey ladies, I need to vent, and I need some advice. I'm a FTM and I have a one month old baby girl. My husband works out of town 4 days a week. So, most of the time I am doing this by myself and even when he is home, I am her primary caretaker (i breastfeed, and she just wants to be held by mama often, of course.) He's good help when I need a hand, but I havent had any alone time at all. We've talked and he is understanding. He'll start keeping her for a couple hours while I go "do me." But then that would take away from my time with him. I'm just overwhelmed. It would be easier to be without alone time if I were to have him helping me throughout the week, where I could get 10 minutes here and there. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter to pieces, but that is exactly WHY I need me time so badly. Even when she's asleep, I can't rest. I'm constantly checking on her and/or taking care of the house or doing my online classes. I don't ever leave her side. I'm so paranoid about SIDS and about her getting bored or fussy. (I know, it's crazy, I drive myself crazy. But I love her so much and don't want to screw her up lol) Anyway, I'm rambling now. But, recently she has become colicy. And anyone with a colicy baby knows it can be hard. And now I'm even more overwhelmed. Nothing calms her for those 3 hours she's screaming. And I feel like Im gonna break if I dont get to have some me time soon. And I dont want her to see me cry or end up ignoring her because Im so overwhelmed. I can't stand to just let her cry. I know Im not alone here.

How do you mommies deal with colic? How do you manage taking care of yourself and baby? How do you do it by yourself?

I think Im doing a kick ass job at being mommy, but not so much a kick ass job at being ME, if that makes sense. I need balance before I crash.

Pic of my sweet girl ❤