Sweetest person alive

Yesterday I opened up to my boyfriend (it's a very new relationship) about my experiences with sexual assault. It started because we were doing sexual things and I asked him to bite me less. His response was "I'm proud of you" because generally I am not very outspoken like that, even though I have been trying to be better about communication because of how important it is to any relationship. I asked why and he said, that he wanted me to be able to talk to him and tell him what I wanted. I started crying and he asked "good tears or bad tears?" I said good tears and he asked why. Without really thinking I said "because usually people don't respect me." He was concerned about it and asked me questions without being invasive, and he also denied it when I told him how sweet he was because he thinks that everyone should always be like that. (Which btw is true). But I still think he deserves kudos because not many people are. ❤ I just don't even know how to handle that kind of kindness but I appreciate him so much and I want to be able to brag about him all the time!!