Honest Session

I'm in the Army so everyone expects us to be the toughest of the tough when really we just adapt faster than the average person and are ready for everything. Got moved from Benning which is home all the way to El Paso, honestly a culture shock from hell. I also got diagnosed with PCOS and possibly endo. Had a cyst rupture and i went through months of tests, hormones and recovery and HSG to finally get my hands on Clomid. I had to take an ultrasound before starting it even though they gave it to me, and the ruptured cyst is there and bigger so i have the clomid but not allowed to take it. My hubby doesn't get it but its so depressing. Being a woman and not being able to do the one thing that sets woman apart from men. I have never in my life wanted to end it until now. It has been a long journey already and I haven't gotten to do anything very productive for TTC at all. I guess all I'm really asking for is advice and prayers. I dont even have the strength or faith to continue praying anymore. I'm only 20 and thus far hate my life mostly because of this and a miscarriage from December. And hip injury that the Army honestly isn't helpful with at all. I want to say screw it and take the Clomid anyways but I'd be risking an Ovarian Torsion. Ive been taking Premama twice a day instead of once. Nothing is helping. I just want to go home. No family support here from my husband. Since the miscarriage he's practically lost interest in me it seems like. My life is literally crashing around me and i have no options or anywhere to go. It may not seem like a lot to many, but God knows what effects people in different ways and not everyone has been raised the same with the same priorities in mind.