Medicaid/Health Insurance - HELP 🚨

Annika • Witch🌜Gamer 🎮 Ravenclaw 💙
I know this is very off topic, but I'm sitting here at work crying and having a panic attack. I don't know what to do. 
I've been on Medicaid for the last 2 years. I recently switched to full time employment, so when I was renewing my Medicaid I gave them the new numbers. 
They sent me a letter saying "congratulations your coverage has been renewed!" And also sent me a new card (this was about 2-3 weeks ago). LAST NIGHT I got a letter from then again saying that my renewal has been denied because I make too much money (to be precise I make $1,200 too much). 
So I went and looked at my employers health insurance to see if it would cover my medications and psychiatrist visits. It doesn't. I would have to pay full price for all of that even after the deductible. And this is where the panic sets in.. 
I can afford my psychiatrist visits and  3 out the 4 medications. It isn't a big deal. But my 4th medication - the MOST important one - the one that I very literally cannot function without (it's an antipsychotic. When I don't take it, I have hallucinations, delusions, suicidal thoughts, and ultimately end up in a mental hospital) that medication is over $600 per refill. If I don't find an insurance that covers it - I'm fucked. I won't be able to work. I won't be able to do anything. Paying for the ONE medication would almost cost more than I make in an entire fucking year. 
I've looked on the market place, and I cannot find anything that will cover it. And to top it off - I am currently out of pills. I have 1 or 2 left. Can I even refill it? Do I even have health insurance right now? I am completely FUCKED. 
Finding a new antipsychotic is an option, but I would still need it to be covered for a few months so that I can wean off. And even if I manage to work that out, it could take months or even years before I find another antipsychotic that will help me. And I'm fucked during that time, and very literally might not even survive it. 
I talked to my coworker about it today - and she suggested that I cut my hours. I currently work 37 hours a week... and I did the math. All I have to do is cut that back to 34 hours a week - and I should once again qualify for Medicaid. Is that even legal to do though? Is that fraud or something? I genuinely don't know. I'm new to this adult thing and I know nothing about what my options are right now - which is why I'm posting. I'm in desperate need of some advice. Please help me.Â