
**This is a log post**
So in grade 3 I met this girl and I thought she was going to be my best friend forever! I know that sound cheesy but that was my honest thought! 
As we got older she started to get jealous if I hung out with other girls! She would not talk to me and she would tell everyone else what I had done wrong. When I got into grade seven it got really bad! She was making lies up about me, her mum was making lies up about me and her cousin who was also our age accused me of talking behind her cousins back! 
This was the climax that made me fall apart!! I started seeing the chaplain and as my as confidence was at a real low the chaplain got me to write a letter! The girl said that everything that was it that letter was absolute crap!! I was telling her what i was feeling!  
So I guess what I am trying to get out of this post is that - do you think what I did was the right thing to do and do you think I may have had depression as I was crying all the time and would get angry really easy! I just want to k ow that I am not alone and there are other people out there who have gone through the same thing!
**Sorry for the long post but I wanted to tell you my story**