He finally told me how he felt.

So last night our ttc antics were cut short when my husband told me how he felt. 
Now I know that many people try for years to conceive and that our mere 5 months isn't really that long, trust me it feels like a lifetime to us. We were both under the illusion that we're young, fit and healthy so it will happen quickly. We were wrong! 
My husband hasn't really told me how he has felt each time AF has come or we've had a negative test, he's just said the usual "we'll try next month"... "it'll happen babe it just takes time" whilst I'm sitting there on the toilet nearly in tears each month he's the strong one. 
Last night our roles were swapped and he suddenly had TTC anxiety,  he expressed to me that what if it's him, what if his sperm counts low, what if we can't get pregnant, what will we do etc and it made me think how selfish I had been. 
Each time I was sitting on the floor crying as I'd mistaken AF symptoms for pregnancy symptoms time after time I hadn't asked him how he was feeling, I'd just accept his positive response to try and cheer me up. Now, each month I will sit and talk to him and start thinking more of him in this process and his feelings realising it's taking its toll on him to.