Pregnant or uti?


Hi everyone!I have a question! So I have been traveling (4 days on vacation in New Orleans and now in Nantucket for work) 10 days straight and I m 7 days late. I have taken about 4 pregnancy test and all negative. I m SUPER BLOATED , mild cramping, feet hurt, boobs hurt and super tired.I would swear I'm getting my period but nothing. Today I was trying to check my cervix but when I wiped my hand on toilet paper it was slightly pink... So I took another test when my period didn't come flooding in and still negative. My body is aching so I took a bath and just kept peeing ever 5 mins.. I have had utis before and I know that burning sensation from hell and the constant need to pee.. I don't have that. Is there any way I can be pregnant or is it my traveling that is messing me up. And yes I had sex when I was ovulating but my husband has a low sperm count. Unprotected for 2 years lead to one pregnancy which resulted in missed misscariage. The tests that I have been using was first response 6 days sooner.

All answers appreciated!