What else...?

I had a tooth that broke around Christmas and it's my back tooth so it was not noticeable and didn't hurt. I have four children and work so between work school and doctors I don't have much time, or make much time for my own health unless I have to. I am 18wks 5days pregnant with my 5th. I went to work this week and was crying in pain from my tooth it got so bad my whole left side of my face was in severe pain. Went to emergency dentist appointment and was told the gums and everything on left side of mouth had been infected. I was started on antibiotic and have to go back on june 26th to have that tooth pulled. But can't do anything for pain until then because of pregnancy. I been on antibiotics for three full days and today from time I woke up I have had horrible diarrhea so I increased my fluids especially water to make sure I am hydrated. Now I am cramping pretty bad and I think it's due to the diarrhea but I can't stop it I have to get rid of infection cause they said it can spread to my blood stream if we didn't get it taken care of immediately. I just don't know what else I can deal with this week. sorry so long