Schedule C-Section (anyone else)

Tiffany • Mommy to two boys (4&2)💙💙.Pregnant with with my baby girl 💗 DD:7/3/17. Two angel babies 😇. Married 💕
So with my first son he came at 34w & 4d via emergency C-Section. With my second son @ 38w & 5d there was no progress whatsoever. I wasn't dilated or effaced with him at that point. And at that time I was working overnights and coming home to my 2 year old is was beyond miserable so opted for a csection and had him at 39w & 1d. With this pregnancy I really wanted to try to have her vaginally but I'm also so over being pregnant and my dr says she recommends another csection but she did say if she comes on her own she will try to deliver her vaginally. Anyways we have csection schedule for June 27th (39 w & 1d). I'm so excited to know she will be here for sure in 9 days but also really praying she comes on her own before than. Any other moms out there with a csection scheduled?