The horror of Oestrogen Dominance/Sensitivity

Oestrogen sensitivity has come out of nowhere and in only a few months has become the bain of my life.I have every symptom imaginable and its taking a toll on my day to day activities.
I have intense pre-menstrual headaches, irregular periods, memory loss, lack of focus, insomnia, constant fatigue, a fibroadenoma, depression and mood swings which feel like month round PMS. Iv also gone from a fairly high sex drive to no sex drive at all, and although my SO couldnt be more understanding, I feel like im letting him down.
I used to take a combined pill, but felt that it made my symptoms worse and so have stopped, and i am now scared to try any other hormonal contraceptives. Some people say that they can help with symptoms so im conflicted, I am being crazy? 
I'm also only 20, so the possibility of early menopause terrifies me since I want to have children someday.
I feel incredibly lost and confused about this whole situation, I find it hard to discuss with people since nobody seems to know that it even exists!! I am hoping some of you wonderful women can recommend me some ways to manage it and perhaps reassure some of my concerns. Thank you xx