16 and pregnant

So I've recently got onto the mini pill because I hated my implant. In the 3 trial months of having it I had a 10 day period in the first month and I lost my packs so I couldn't take them until now when I had my check so they could give me a repeat. Then in the second month I had a severely light 3 day period and with cramping. I haven't took my pill for about a month now because I've been too busy with exams and sorting out college and a job and then losing the packs, I'm normally asleep by 8pm and awake by 8am😂 I'm 17 in 2 months and have a good long relationship with my boyfriend. I took a test about 3 weeks ago and it was negative but I've got sore boobs, I fancy sweet corn on everything, I keep throwing up in my mouth and being unusually tired even after having 9-12hours sleep. Do I take another test even though I had a few days spotting for do I just keep taking my pill?