So a little while ago, I had this friend from way back in grade school. She was the abusive kind, often punched me for no reason, took pictures of me while I was in one of the bathroom stalls and threatened to show the boys in school. She got me suspended after sneaking a BB gun into my backpack. My cousin saw it and told on me. 
All of these were mild when we got into middle school, she would start smoking and then went she was done, she pressed the lit cigarette against my wrist and waited till I broke, now I have a circular scar around my wrist bone that I often scratch too hard. She often also blamed me and told the school staff that I was smoking! I got so much counseling. I fell into a deep depression and developed trust issues. She convinced my boyfriend at the time that I want to do it, I was raped in the nurses offices bathroom after I got sudden heat stroke while playing kick ball, of course he got expelled after I was found crying in the health rooms bed and told. I told my parents this and I got transferred to another school. 
Around the time I got into 8th grade (repeated 7th grade), I had got a message from the "friend" who was in high school. She was mad and blamed me for something stupid. She was getting bullied in high school and had to get surgery for a little beating she got. We had a full on argument on how she made me depressed, made me self harm and try to kill myself so many times. She said "So!? Cause of you moving schools, I was brought down to the bottom and have to pay for surgery." I laughed, told her to "fuck off" and blocked her. 
My sister is good friends with her sister, so her sister often asks if I want to talk to the "friend". I say no. 
Feels good to get that off my chest..sorry if that was long.