Small Little Drips of Menstrual Blood or Implantation bleeding?

So this morning I woke up and went to the bathroom. I did my usual business, then as I wiped myself I noticed small drips and dots of blood . Not fresh blood, not dark gooey normal period blood (sorry for tmi) and not the type I get when I wake up and Aunt Flo visited, like just little tiny light red pinkish dots on the toilet paper. I have heard things in the past saying that's what implantation blood can resemble. Or maybe it just is a few drops of blood from my menstrual cycle that hasn't completely started yet? I mean, I did have unprotected a week ago and he ejaculated inside as well as sex 3 days ago and also not last night but the night before, and my bf did ejaculate inside. Moral of the story is, we've been having unprotected sex recently. Don't know if implantation can even happen so fast? Can anyone let me know. Wouldn't mind either outcome. Thanks 🙏