I just need to vent...

So when I was pregnant we moved in with my parents a few states away for a few reasons. We both had to find jobs and I got one within a couple weeks, he however, didn't get one for a month and a half. And the job he took was full commission and he didn't start getting paid for another month after that or so. So we slowly started falling behind on bills and such. 
Fast forward to after I had baby...he quit his job thinking he was going to start another one within a few days, well those days turned into two weeks while I was on maternity leave. So he was out a job for two and a half weeks and I was only getting paid like 30-40% what I normally do, which isn't enough to cover bills. So we fell further behind. His new job is good, he's gonna make decent money, and right now i am only working 2 days a week.
Well, he just texted me about having me work more because of the situation he put us in (his words, not mine) and part of me is really pissed off. He's constantly angry and upset and it's dragging me down, I'm breastfeeding so nightly duties are all on me. So now Im going to have to work full time, waking up at 3am to go to work for 8 hours and coming home to take care of baby the rest of the day. I love my son and I'm not complaining about taking care of him, at all. But when my husbands home he doesn't really take initiative to do anything with him. When I've mentioned him doing the bedtime routine to get some bonding time it was lyeah sure I guess" and it hasnt happened. He's depressed and upset with himself over our financial situation and I'm trying to stay positive and do everything I can to make things easier for him with him working and me only working two days, but I'm scared of going to work full time and then also being the only one to really do baby things. I'm going to be running off of like 3 hours of sleep a night. I'm going to get dragged into a rut. I'm just so frustrated with it all. I'm not really asking for advice, because I know what advice I'd give myself...I just feel defeated.