laxatives while breastfeeding

I am struggling to have a BM. I can go but it's extremely painful and I'm afraid of tearing. Can I take ONE otc laxative? Will it harm my LO through the breast milk?
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They usually give stool softeners like colace after a Csection and mothers bf just fine


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My ob prescribed me sennakot when I was discharged from the hospital and breastfeeding. 


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Stool softeners are safe. Also try probiotics. I took a lot of both after delivery since things were really out of whack after the antibiotics I had.


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Milk of magnesia has always been my go to. Works better than any pill I've ever tried and according to my ob and lc perfectly safe.


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Everything you ingest gets into your milk.Try probiotics.


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I would talk to a doctor, I tried eating fiber one bars to help with pooping and it ended up making the baby poop more too and unfortunately didn't help me at all