Positive OPK

Claudet • TTC #1
Hi everyone !! So I clearly see the very clear red bright line (to the left) on the last OPK today for cycle day 16. It's darker then the generic line. 
My question is !!! Husband and I baby danced last night, to be precise at 2am (sorry if it's too much TMI) ... question is , would that be ok? if i skip baby dancing tonight? Can I baby dance tomorrow night ?! I know the more I do it the more my chances increase
but Husband and I have a thing about "sperm living for up to 3 days"... so to us this should be good enough, we are thinking about baby dancing tomorrow Tuesday. 
I also noticed I am discharging a raw eggwhite discharge. Very stretchy. I know this is a very fertile discharge. 
Any opinions ? First time TTC  🙈😁😁🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼