baby couldn't wait until July

Water broke 1215am Monday.  Labor started 2 hours later. For about 24 hours total.  Born tuesday morning at 245a.m.    Having a doula was priceless!!!!   And without my family support (mom, hubs, cousin) I would have been a mess. Plus they gave each other a break so I didn't wear out one support person.  Baby already suckled at each breast.  So far so good.  There were times when I thought I was never going to progress beyond 7cm.  Did have some pitocin to speed thjngs up since water had broken and increased risk  of infection longer labor lasts.  Cord was around neck once and born blue but all is well.  I labored on the toilet, floor, hospital bed, birthing ball and in many different positions...,.basically whatever my body felt it needed.  No birthing tub because water had broken already.  Having a midwife and doula was an awesome combo.  Sometimes it was so hard to keep my breathing slow and steady.   And I've had about 3 hours of sleep in past 48 sorry for rambling.    ***Also I highly recommend printing off some affirmations.  It was absolutely comical having my husband read these aloud because.....hearing him talk about his uterus 😂.  But it helped keep me focused and positive in active labor.    Best of luck to all you.  Stay positive!  You are amazing and you can do it!!!!!