I want a baby

I'm 14, my boyfriend is 18 and I've wanted a baby since I was 11, nothing has put me off, I want a baby so badly but I know it won't happen until I'm at least 16 as that's the legal age in Britain, my boyfriend does know this and to him it's a big no no ( for obvious reasons ) as he'd get arrested, i am homeschooled (for mental health reasons) and I know babies are a lot of hard work, but the sound of all that makes me so excited, I just get so upset over not be able to have a baby because I've wanted a baby for so long :( 
I don't get why people are being horrible about this, I come on <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> to share exactly what I feel for help, advice and people opinions, the reasons I put this out there is because I am trying to get out of the idea, yes I'm 14, I want a baby and yes I do I have an 18 year old boyfriend, he doesn't force me into anything sexual and helps me out with my anxiety and depression, he understands me as a person, we are both still virgins and I wish people weren't so quick to assume that just because he's 18 it means we have engaged in sexual activities, we've been together nearly a year, he's never forced me into anything and I know how to say no, we do not sleep in the same room ever, I don't know why people got the idea that we do sexual things just because he's a little older than me, it wouldn't matter if someone was 30 years old and the other 34 just because they are older, why should it matter now? As long as we don't do anything sexual, I am extremely mature for my age, have already completed my GCSE's as I've been homeschooled, I'm now doing a health and social care course and am going to college within the next year or so, also for those of you who assumed I didn't have a job shouldn't be so quick to assume because yes I do, I also know how hard bringing up a child is, knowing that I have to get up and do the night feeds, making sure that the baby is okay and breathing, making sure he or she won't die from cot death, getting them to sleep, them teething, I also know that it is incredibly expensive but none of you know my income or were to know that I had a job but you were still quick to judge? I never said I was going to have a baby, I said I wanted one, people telling me that I'm crazy and involving my mental illness into this, who are you to judge? You don't know me or know what I've been through in my lifetime, stop judging someone just by what you hear or read, I came here for advice not for negativity nor did I come on here to get told that im only young and way too young, I simply put something on here about my life which is personal and I do find embarrassing, only to be told that I'm way too young and that I don't have a job, saying that my boyfriend is sick for being with a 14 year old or getting told to use a condom when we don't even have sex, you all just judged me and that wasn't what I came on here for, so thank you very much :/