This app

I kind of wish the app still tracked nausea, I am in the 3rd trimester and the nausea has come back again, mainly in the morning and not as bad as in the beginning but still it would be nice to track. Also I think it would be great to be able to track stuff like cravings and dreams too. I have been craving pizza for like 1/2 this pregnancy and now am wanting hamburgers with the works too, very different than past pregnancies. And dreams oh my gosh some are so vivid it's crazy! The last one I had a dream my youngest fell and broke her nose (not the whole story it was weird) and I woke myself up by trying to get out of bed to fast to help her that I tweaked my stomach and the pain woke me up. It's crazy everything that happens when you are pregnant and I just think it would be cool to be able to track stuff like that too 🤔 just a suggestion