I want to feel sexy again.

When I got married, I was a size 6/8 and was wearing size small in T-shirts. I was also in a 34B bra. It will be one year this coming Sunday and I'm nearly busting out of size Medium AND size 10, and if I gain much more, I WILL bust out of them. I'm currently in a 38C. I've gained over 30 pounds and just don't feel beautiful or sexy anymore. I've wanted so bad to eat better and to do better, but I just haven't found the right plan. All the good plans are expensive and just not in my budget. I've bought a waist trainer and currently waiting for it to come in, but due to a tight budget, I haven't been able to purchase a girdle, so I have used plastic wrap.. it helps some but not great. Not comfortable either. I know this may seem like a pity post and some are quickly judging, but my appearance has always been a big deal to me and I want to feel sexy for my husband. He thinks that I am beautiful either way, but I want to be confident and feel beautiful for him. Please send me some ideas and please don't be mean.