Please Tell Me I'm Right For Being Mad (long)

Kendra • Find your own happiness. Don't do what others expect of you. ~Baby Dust~
My white side of my family continues to amaze me. They usually are uncomfortable around me because I'm 50% native but they were way too damn open on fathers day. My sister was writing a paper on cis-privilege and why she thinks it doesn't exist. Her argument is "if you don't want to be oppressed don't be gay and straight people are totally oppressed because they don't get their own flag and parade which means the 'gay community' thinks they're better than us." I explained I am pansexual then she told me I'm going to hell which is hilariously ironic considering she was just talking about how "no one is like mean to gays now they are like out equals but they have to like keep their gross gay shit private and in hell" 😒 *insert eyeroll*. My dad then brings up transgender bathroom stuff. She believes all trans people are rapists in disguise wanting a chance to go in the bathroom and rape girls I explained that if a rapist really wanted to rape someone they can walk into the bathroom regardless of laws and her argument is stupid. She then said this bullshit "well like people drive down the street every day but there is still a chance that one of them should be a kidnapper which is why we ban kidnappers from roads and rapists from bathrooms." I seriously felt like my brain was rotting out of my head as my uncle and father nodded in agreement. Then they moved on to "black and minority privilege" and "white oppression" saying it wasn't fair that they have programs to help them not be poor and that they got to say n***er and white people couldnt. I lost it. I then said "if you can't walk through life without saying racial and sexual slurs and discussing how you are against everything that isn't a straight white male then you need to just crawl in a hole and remove yourself from society. Like how hard is it to be a decent person ffs!?" they then talked about how I'm just another woman bitching then caught themselves and ranted about how they don't get to call women bitches but women can call their friends bitch. I explained that it isn't the same thing then they flipped it to how all women are prostitutes because guys take them on dates and then the women have to sleep with them for that "free" meal. I explained that most women don't do that and even if they did they weren't hookers. Then they said if they didn't sleep with them then they are a bitch where my sister nodded and agreed. Then they said "you are probably a Bernie supporter right? Did you vote for Hillary?" I said yes and that I didn't support the fact that trump is a hypocrite and an idiot and they said trump is okay and it's fine for him to act like this and Hillary is a bitch who is stepping out of her place and should be punished. I eventually tried to stop arguing where they ranted and ranted and then proclaimed they "won" meanwhile I'm just trying to get away from these sexist racist homophobic idiots. I love my family alot and they can be great people occasionally but my brain felt like it melted. I mean this was the most nonsensical whiny bullshit I've ever seen. How should I handle them next time I'm around then? There is no way not to see them if I want to see other family members at reunions and stuff so how should I handle it? How would you handle this shit? You don't even wanna hear the rest of it. How would you feel if your family was like this? Do you believe in white male oppression?