Does your mom come before your significant other?

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My mom is grown. She can handle herself. 


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It depends on the situation for me. Sometimes my boyfriend needs me to put him first. Overall though my family comes first at this point. However, once were married then my husband will come before my mum. I think when you're married your spouse always comes first. 


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I never choose one over the other. They both need to respect each other. End of story. 


Xg • Jun 20, 2017
But if I just met the guy that's a different story.


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Depends on the situation. If I think I need to put my mum first and my hubby can wait I will put my mum first. Without my mum I wouldn't be alive.I am the person I am because of my mum. My hubby knows there is going to be situations where my mum is my first priority luckily he understands. 


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She doesn't anymore because she passed. But before that it would have depended on the situation.