I can't deal... Am I wrong?

TTC has literally made me lose my mind. It's been creeping on four years of TTC. I had to delete my SIL. She got pregnant on accident and loves to brag about that. I've had three miscarriages (two at 15 weeks, one at 17 weeks) two of which were planned. When she posted her positive pregnancy test, I unfollowed her, but her shit kept finding its way back. I ended up deleting her because I found myself constantly upset. I've had a hard time with our niece and accepting we might not have a baby. I tried to handle my emotions, but along with other, very hurtful drama, I couldn't do it. My husband opened up to his sister about TTC, she told their Mother, now her Mother makes some terrible comments. I can't deal with that side of the family anymore. Was I wrong to delete them and desperate myself from them?

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