
My son will be 11 months old tomorrow (6/21) and we are moving to a new duty station in a new state next week. This will be the first time my son will be in the car for more than 45 minutes. It's roughly an 11 hour drive without the stops. I'm not sure how my son will deal with moving to a new place and I'm hoping it doesn't stop any progress he has made. Have any of you moved with young kids?? I'm pretty nervous because we have to drive both cars so it will only be me and my son in the car. Any advice for the road and/or the move is welcome! Thank you!!
We have arrived at our new home! My son was fabulous on the trip! Just a couple melt downs from leg cramps but nothing major! The trip itself was beyond stressful. We moved from Georgia to Maryland and our gps's went rogue on us and sent us all through D.C. We finally just ended up using our phones and found out we went over an hour out of our way. Other than that hiccup and a few close calls from other drivers, the trip was a success! Thank you all for the advice!! We had success with snacks and favorite toys! Now tomorrow we will be doing another long drive but this time I will be able to sit in the back of the car with my son while my husband drives since we aren't taking both cars.