heavy cycle before pregnancy

I had my daughter in July and I remember AF right before finding out I was pregnant to be extremely heavy. To the point where clots were coming out and I was bleeding through EVERYTHING! Well fast forward about one month and I got a BFP. Now, my husband and I are trying to conceive again since we want our kids close together. Last month (May), AF was extremely heavy again which is abnormal for me. I was cramping and just generally didn't feel good and once again bleeding through everything. AF was due June 14th and didn't come, so I took a test and it was BFN. Well today is the 20th and still no AF. Anyone else deal with something similar? Should I just wait and keep testing? Advice? Encouraging words? I would be ecstatic to get a BFP right now! We have been tracking everything for about 5 months now with no luck.