
Tonight, as my cousin/best friend goes into labour with her "surprise" baby, I start to feel the all too familiar tightness and pain signalling AF is about to rare her ugly, heartbreaking head signalling another month is a no-go... only, this time even though I'm sad, I feel humbled. 
My cousin conceived without trying, and here I am sick on metformin (for PCOS), and consumed with the thoughts of having a baby of my own. I'm humbled because it helps bring things back into perspective for me. I will be blessed with my own bundle (god willing), WHEN the time is truly right, not when I hope it's right. 
In the meantime, I'll enjoy being a new aunt and watching my beautiful, amazing cousin blossom into an even more amazing mother 💕.
Baby dust to all trying. Praying for all of our "when's" 
...nothing before it's time 🙏🏼