Does anyone else get super horny the week leading up to their period?

Hey, I wondered if anyone else has this issue and if it means anything, or is an indicator or fertility or later than normal ovulation. It's not really a problem because I and my partner enjoy it but I seem to get super horny in the week / days leading up to my period until the bloating and cramps kick in anyway! Like I imagine as horny as your average teenage boy, like I'm up for it several times a day and I feel like it's eating the leg off me (excuse the rudeness!) But you know what I mean and I'm really sensitive and always really wet like thick creamy CM. Is this a good thing or a bad thing and what does it mean really. I am 29 years old and my partner is 35. We are trying but not all the time he dosent realize it takes more than just once to do it for it to work! 😁