symptoms? advice please!

I have PCOS and tried to get pregnant for a year and nothing. I mean we really tried. 6 months ago I got accepted into an OTA program so we decided to stop trying and I kid you not for the last 8 months straight I have had a period every 33 days. Which is unheard of for me. Because of the PCOS I was having maybe 3 a year. Okay so I just ended my period on the 7 of June. It was kind of a weird period and only lasted 4 days and kinda came sand went while it was here. And about a week later I had some weird spotting. And within days I felt nauseated, dizzy, heart burn out of this world, and moody. Is it even possible to be pregnant this soon after my period??? My next period technically shouldn't even be due til the first of July.