Julie • JulieLLPowell
Okay guys- need advice.  Was on BC for 9 years and finally stopped the pill in October.  Hubby is military so we officially started "not trying, but not not trying" when he came home at the end of March.  Periods were like clockwork every month on the same date following stopping the pill and about 3-5 days long.  April 6th was my last period and it lasted 2 weeks.  No period in May and no AF symptoms.  And nothing yet in June - however in June, I finally felt what I assume to be ovulation pains (Spasm, crampy right sided uterine pains and very dizzy) and my ovulation test (must have missed actual O" testing) was very close the night of pains and morning after which was June 10-11.  Extremely sore boobs started about 3 days after, crazy dreams, some nausea, watery and creamy CM, can't sleep, indigestion, stuffy nose, etc.  I have quite a few questions.  
1) Cheap internet tests have been negative so far- is this still too early to test?  
2) Does this just sound like post Ovulation/PMS symptoms?  
3) Saturday-Sunday will be 2 weeks since when I assume I ovulated (when uterine pains started) - should I wait and test then if missed period?
4) Why the long period in April and missed period in May- is this my body regulating itself after stopping the pill?
Any answers would be greatly appreciated!  Thank y'all!