Please help I'm so scared

I'm so terrified. I had my gallbladder taken out in March due to gallstones and immediately got pregnant afterwards. Since finding out I was pregnant, my appetite has been way down. I literally survive off popsicles and ramen noodles 90% of the time. I have severe headaches and stomach pain. It seems like I never poop and when I do it's agonizing pain followed with diarrhea. I've been throwing up this bright green(sometimes yellow) liquid I'm sure is bile. Most days I'm fatigued and never leave bed. Has this happened to anyone else or could something be completely wrong with my body right now? I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow and I've had two miscarriages before.i have a doctor's appointment next week so hopefully I'll get answers but until then I just need something. Please let me know if this happened to you. God I'm so upset and scared.