Co-sleeping and transitioning


Alright, so for the past month or so LO has been sleeping in our bed next to me. He is really starting to move a lot, he wants to constantly flip from side to side. One nice thing about him sleeping with me is that I get longer stretches of sleeping 🤗, but some nights he "sniffs" me out and wants to eat all the time. He is 7 months old, tomorrow. 

I never co-slept with my first, so I'm at a loss as to what to do. How do I transition him into his bed again, after sleeping with me? I have tried putting him in his bed awake, asleep and drowsy. He wakes/screams immediately. 

Any tips on how to get him sleeping by himself again? With our first, we did the CIO/Ferber method - which worked wonderfully. I didn't think I wanted to do that again, but it looks like that's what I'll have to do. Unless someone has a better idea.