Very late birth story.

Katie • Wife,Mother of 3
Hey ladies! Our 3rd and last baby (& first girl!!!) Was due April 28th, 2017. Around 34 weeks (a little over) I started bleeding and having what i thought were Braxton hicks every 15 minutes. Went to l&d and found out i was contracting ever 2 to 4 minutes I just didn't feel thoes. Gave me the pill to stop my contractions and after an hour and a half the meds finally kicked in and was sent home. The following Monday (35 & 3) my water broke and again only felt contractions evey 15 minutes. Got back to l&d and was put on piticon since contractions were 2-3 minutes just weren't strong enough and we are now on a schedule since my water has broken. And also received 1steriod shot to help with baby girls lungs. We welcomed sweet Ellie Mae(35 &4) at 4:52 am on MARCH 28TH 2017. Weighing 5 lbs 11 oz and 18 I'm long. So tiny!!! Her pedi. Came to see her at the hospital right away since she was early. He noticed her breather was not right and transported her to Cooks Children's for NICU. I was discharged 6 hours later and was with my husband and daughter again. Once I got there things went down hill fast. Ellies oxygen reached 19% when we had to sign papers to put her on ECMO (heart and lung bypass) she had multiple blood transfusions, multiple IVs, antibotics.she was diagnosed with strepnumocacus (spell check) and was septic. Thanks to the amazing Drs, nurses, her angel brother, and GOD little miss Ellie is here at HOME with mom, dad and big brother! She shows NO signs of brain damage!!! She was in NICU from March 28th until April 27th.