I'm so glad....

I'm so glad I found this group. I've been on Glow for two and a half years trying on and off to conceive.  It's been difficult due to  complications from my endometriosis. I am currently suppose to start Lupron after the endometriosis on my liver has caused me internal bleeding and pain. But I have faith that God not only will work it out but has already worked it out! Each of us have our own victory in Christ and I'm so glad I found this specific group on Glow. Keep praying that we will trust his timing, continue to take care of our bodies, and trust any path God has for us! Whether it is natural pregnancy now, a year from now, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> or adoption. Please know you will be a mother one day soon!!!!!God sees and hears your prayers.