Feeling nervous for my 8wk Appt


My husband and I had been trying for a year now, we have been married for almost 10yrs, and now we are becoming financially stable to expand our family. When I was younger I suffered from endometriosis and took birth control pills to completely stop my periods for over 10yrs. Then we decided together I should stop taking the pills with the doctor's consent. The doctor did advise us that it would take longer then normal for us to get pregnant or even get pregnant. 6 months after I stopped taking the pills, I became pregnant, we were excited. When it came to our appt, we ended up finding out the fetus stopped developing at 6wks and I had no signs or symptoms to let us know that it stopped. I had the miscarriage a couple of days after the appointment. Now months later, I'm pregnant again, also excited. We had an appointment thinking I was 8wks along but it shows I was 6wks and we heard a heartbeat, so we were both overjoyed with the news. But the midwife said there is blood sac next to the fetus that can cause another miscarriage, other complications or go away on its own. I am really nervous my 8wk appt next week. What if there will be another miscarriage? It doesn't help that I have anxiety and chronic depression, so I'm trying really hard to be in good spirits.

The difference between the first pregnancy was that I was experiencing all symptoms of a pregnant mom. This pregnancy is different I am not having any signs or symptoms. I guess I'm writing this is because I am concerned about this appointment coming up.