adult acne

I have struggled with adult acne since I was a freshman in college and I've tried every home remedie, over the counter medication/scrub, acne regime, TV infomercial product, change in my diet, different sheets, clothes, laundry detergent there is to try and nothing has worked. The ONLY thing I haven't tried is seeing a dermatologist mainly because I've never had health insurance and I didn't want to spend a fortune. Also, in extremely caustious about taking a pill that has multiple side effects. That's the reason why I don't take a birth control pill. My biggest fear is trying a pill that makes me gain weight, makes my symptoms worse, or makes my acne worse. 
What do y'all use to manage your adult acne? What kind of prescription did your derm prescribe you with and did it work/ what kind of side effects did you have? 
Thanks in advance!