Precipitous labor baby #4 1 hour labor


My youngest is now 3.5 months old but I have some time on my hands so I thought I would sit and write out her birth story. She is my last baby as I had a bilateral salpingectomy(removal of fallopian tubes) 2 weeks after her birth. So anyways. Here goes.

Original due date was March 6 2017, at my appointment that day I was 2cm dilated and my doc said he would induce me at 41 weeks 3 days. I went home very frustrated and crying and acting like a total baby. Hindsight being 20/20, I realize now how ridiculous I was being. I had never made it to my due date with any of my other 3 children, so the fact I was going overdue was overwhelming and then he seemed to have no hope of her coming soon. I had a feeling she was going to be a big baby so I was nervous.

Fast forward 3 days to March 9th, 10:30 am. My husband and I had sex. He gets up to go shower and I am just laying in bed. I feel my water break. I look at my clock it is 10:47. I am putting these times to give you an idea what precipitous labor is like. This is my second precipitous birth, my third child my total time from first contraction to birth was 3 hours. So it's 10:47, I go to the bathroom to tell my husband that my water broke. I get into the shower, still no contractions. We shower and leave for the hospital at around 11. The car ride is about 20 minutes so I have my first contraction as we are getting to the hospital at about 11:20. Not too painful. I run into my OB in the parking lot and we have a laugh at me because I'm standing in an enormous puddle of amniotic fluid. He sends someone out with a wheelchair for me to wheel me to labor and delivery, and up we go. By the time 10 minutes pass and we are in my room I am in the most excruciating pain of my life, acting like a complete nut, screaming for an epidural, because with my last baby and fast labor I didn't get it in time. They come in to do my epidural and I feel like I have to push. So epidural is out the window at this point. Lucky me right?!?! Midwife comes in and I look at the clock and it's about 12. I begin pushing and let me just tell you I was in another world I was in so much pain. She finally came at 12:15. Her cord was around her neck 3 times and under her shoulder, but she was ok other than her heart rate dropping a lot while I was pushing. I was so scared of a c section that I just pushed through the pain and got her out..

My total labor time was right at 1 hour. It was INSANE. the thing about precipitous labor is this, it is terrifying. People are always telling me how lucky I am that it went fast for the last two. I don't consider it lucky at all. She could've been born in my car, or the sidewalk, and not to mention there was no time for pain relief. I didn't even have time for my iv antibiotics for group b strep!! I had my tubes removed for birth control because they say it can get faster every time and I didn't want to go through it again. Plus, 4 kids was enough for me!

She was born at a whopping 8lb15oz, 20 and 3/4 inches.. My sweet ava Elisabeth. Love her more than life.

I'll attach a photo of her at birth and one recent of her at 3 months. Thanks for taking the time to read!!!!

Me on my due date