Migraines and birth control

About 4 years ago I started to have really intense migraines. Like literally 2-3 a week that lasted whole days even with prescription pain relievers. They got to the point that I actually have FMLA (Family and medical leave act) from work to avoid being fired from having to miss days from work. My doctor has tried everything. Cat scans, MRI's, daily medicine, Botox injections to relieve pressure. I've spent hundreds of my own money to try to relieve the pain. 
Then about 3 months ago, something gets messed up with my insurance, and the OBGYN I had seen for years is no longer covered, and because of this, I'm forced to go a month without birth control. 
Well during this month, I haven't had a single migraine. Not even a slight headache. I of course go back to my neurologist and tell him about this and he suggested I continue to stay off the birth control and see if I continue to not experience these migraines. It's been 3 months, and today is the first day since that I have a migraine. 
My fiancé and I recently decided to try to have a baby (neither of us are too keen on having a wedding and would rather put our money towards starting a family and buying a home).
So my question is, do you think this migraine could be an indicator that I'm pregnant? Since the hormones in the birth control is what caused the migraines? And it's too early to test, I'm not to expected to get my next period for 10 days. 
Also, has anyone else experienced migraines from birth control? 
Sorry for the long post.