I wish he understood

So I had my daughter 2.5 months ago and she is the absolute best... 
Her father on the other hand has not been the best. We have had many instances where he just wasn't/isn't doing enough for our daughter or myself. Wasn't helping out, saying awful things, leaving and staying at his moms when we have gotten into it - leaving me home alone with a newborn all night. 
He has so much making up to do, it's not even funny. The entire time I was pregnant, we didn't have sex... after arguing about it for the millionth time 2 weeks ago, he came on to me and we had sex twice. 2 days later I come on to him and he rejects me. It's fucking weird and before he gave in the first time I never asked anymore bc I was sick of being rejected and again he says no... 
so I'm just not going to ask anymore.
Well I also have a 3 yo step daughter and I love her, but her mom ain't shit! Never takes care of her... I've been home every single night taking care of my newborn and often times, my stepdaughter after I was comfortable taking care of them both at one time. Me and my SO have only been to a baseball game once bc he found cheap tickets & it was cool but not something he did for me.. he did it bc he's the one that loves baseball. We never do anything I like to do and he never asks me to go do stuff. Well my SD mom is going to LA tonight and he wants to go watch the NBA draft with friends and once again, I'm home by myself. I'm starting to get depressed. He has gone to do things with his friends multiple times since I got pregnant and after baby was born... he's not putting in much effort into our relationship and I'm sick of asking.. 
Also, he just calls me saying he's taking my SD to the movies and do I want to bring our newborn lol wtf!? 
He only asked bc he knows I'm already frustrated about being home all day and night, taking care of our daughter by myself. Why tf would we bring a newborn into a loud movie theater! He knows how stupid that sounds. 
I guess I'm just venting..
I need a break. Today he told me to stop acting depressed but I really call them help it at this point. I wish he understood.