just waiting... 😥

Theresa • 👫🤰🏼💕😘
So my period is supposed to start today, I mean it's still early in the day so there's plenty of time for it to get goin.. but the only thing that makes me question if I'm preggers or not is i haven't had anyyyyy mentrual symtoms. None. No cramps, no sore boobies, no back pain... and I get that legit 2 weeks up until my period. I won't know obviously till I actually miss my period and take a test.. but I just needed to vent. My boyfriend (of 5 years) doesn't know completely that I haven't gotten it yet. I don't think it's fair to "freak" him out until I know for sure... but crap. Haha just waiting.... 
UPDATE:  never got my period when it told i was supposed to which was Friday. Then when I pressed its late said it's supposed to start Sunday and it didn't and now it's saying Tuesday. I took 2 tests today and both came out negitive. So I guess we will have to wait and see maybe it was too early.