Disappearing act?! WHY!!!!

Just a couple of weeks ago I was ghosted by the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. I was wondering if anyone else has gone through the same things. I'm emotionally hurt by what he had done because by the time he contacted me back (mind you it was 3 weeks after) I didn't have the heart to go back to him. 
Has anyone else ever gone through this before and didn't regret contacting the ghostie. 
Can I please get any advice and words of encouragement. I really need it!! 
- Been with him for just over a year 
- LDR (he's in another state)
- He's a Scorpio and I'm a Taurus
- He's very manipulative and wants all the power 
- I trust him fully but I feel as if he's taken that as an advantage and probably tried to play with my feelings
- He has sent me pics of his family but I've never met them...ever
- During a pregnancy scare...he told me that he wasn't ready for a kid (he said, that it would be a disgrace to both of our families). Mind you, I didn't want sex but only went with it because he wanted to. Because he "needs intimacy". 
- I'm 19 and he's 26
My sister has never liked him and think that he's playing with me. After I told her about his ghosting me. She said just to ignore him and move on. 
I am doing that as we speak but I just need reassurance that it is ok to ghost on him as well because I'm emotionally hurt.