neeed prayers for my baby boy

Finally got sometime to write my baby birth story...a lengthy one... .my baby got arrived early at 34weeks weighing 4lbs 4oz, he is now in nicu struggling hard to breath. 

This all started as my water breaked on june18(34weeks) at early morning 3.00am . I was shocked to see my water gushing out,  I just woke my husband up and told not to worry ,then I had a super fast shower , called the labour and delivery department and they told me to come as soon as possible . we didn't even packed our hospital bag thinking we have time . We arrived to hopsital at 4.00am .we thought that labour won't happen as this money as this is not the right time .doctor checked me and told that we are leaving the hospital after having baby .we were so depressed ,tensed .then nicu person came and assured that nothing will happen to baby .But baby has to be  in nicu till the due date .then they started inducing me and pains started like hell by afternoon 3.00pm .at around 5.20pm I took  An epidural which made me 12.05am dilation reached to 10cm and then I started pushing .my husband and family friend help me push in the correct way and my baby got arrived at 2.02am, June 19 . They just gave me skin touch and took the baby to nicu ...hope the baby recovers fast and comes home early's hard time to be in nicu for baby and also for us . Finally my baby name is Dhanush .I request everyone out there To bless my little boy.

My baby at day1

Prayers worked, Now healthy and happy baby at week16